KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.
Who is Joseph Kony ?
Joseph Kony is the world’s worst war criminal. In 1987 he took over leadership of an existing rebel group and renamed it the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).The LRA is no longer active in northern Uganda (where it originated) but it continues its campaign of violence in Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and South Sudan. In its 26-year history, the LRA has abducted more than 30,000 children and displaced at least 2.1 million people.
"Joseph Kony is the worst living criminal.
He has abducted over 30.000 children and force them to be child soldiers in central Africa.
He remains at large because he is invisible to the world.
Few know his name, even fewer know his crimes.
This year we are making Joseph Kony famous.
Because when he is, the world will unite for justice and demand his arrest."
What is the Goal of KONY 2012 ?
Invisible Children has been working for 9 years to end Africa’s longest-running armed conflict. U.S. military advisers are currently deployed in Central Africa on a “time-limited” mission to stop Kony and disarm the LRA. If Kony isn’t captured this year, the window will be gone. We are taking action to Ensure this two things :
1) That Joseph Kony is known as the World’s Worst War Criminal.2) That the U.S. military advisers support the Ugandan Army until Kony has been captured and the LRA has been completely disarmed. They need to follow through all the way and finish what they have started.
Why are we making Joseph Kony "Famous" ?
Invisible Children’s KONY 2012 campaign aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice. In this case, notoriety translates to public support. If people know about the crimes that Kony has been committing for 26 years, they will unite to stop him.Secondly, we want Kony to be famous so that when he is stopped, he will be a visible, concrete example of international justice. Then other war criminals will know that their mass atrocities will not go unnoticed or unpunished.
"JOSEPH KONY is one of the world’s worst war criminals and I support the international effort to
arrest him,
disarm the LRA
and bring the child soldiers home!"
arrest him,
disarm the LRA
and bring the child soldiers home!"
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